What causes papillomas on the body

Human papillomavirus is one of the most common and is present in the body of 90% of the world population. Most of its carriers are not even aware of its presence and find no suspicious signs in themselves. That's why it spread.

What are papillomas?

Papilloma is a benign pathological formation of viral etiology. The appearance of papillomas is caused by the action of the human papillomavirus (HPV). On the skin it usually manifests itself in the form of cosmetic defects: warts and genital warts, in the larynx it can lead to respiratory failure, and on the mucous membrane of the internal organs to bleeding and ulceration. There are 27 types of HPV - some are safe for health, others can turn into malignant tumors and lead to cancer.

During identification, special attention should be paid to women, as they have a high risk of developing the cervix. Pregnant women during the gestation period have a risk of infection of the baby.

HPV is characterized by a latent (latent) course, and while a person has strong immunity, the virus does not manifest itself in any way (the incubation period lasts from 2 weeks to several years). Under the influence of a number of factors, the virus activates, multiplies and manifests itself clinically.

papilloma on the body because it appears

The cause of infection with the papilloma virus

Ways of HPV infection:

  • unprotected sex
  • contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the infected
  • use of the wearer's personal items
  • when visiting public places with high humidity and a lot of crowds (swimming pool, sauna, beaches)

The most common is the sexual way of infection with the virus, domestic ways are rarely recorded, since the virus lives in the environment for a short time.

Activation of the virus is facilitated by:

  • weakened immunity
  • infectious diseases
  • impaired gastrointestinal tract
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • pregnancy
  • long-term use of a number of drugs (antibiotics, anticoagulants, etc. )
  • smoking, alcohol abuse
  • severe stress

Penetration of HPV is facilitated by microtrauma, cracks, abrasions and other skin damage.

Symptoms of papilloma

Symptoms depend on the location of the formation and the type of HPV. The first "bell" about the presence of the virus is an external manifestation in the form of genital warts (usually appear in intimate places) and warts (often formed on the face, neck, limbs).

Less commonly, papillomas are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • peeling, itching, redness (skin)
  • discomfort when walking (genitals)
  • discharge from the nipple (breast ducts)
  • difficulty breathing (larynx)
  • painful bowel movements (bowels)

Diagnosis of papillomas

Diagnosis is made by a venereologist, dermatologist, immunologist or gynecologist / urologist.

  1. Clinical examination - visual examination and conversation with the patient.
  2. Laboratory and instrumental analyzes are prescribed to obtain a complete picture of the disease:
    • general and biochemical blood test
    • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test - determines the type of virus and its amount in the body.

If the only method of treatment is the removal of papillomas, then a biopsy of the material is performed in parallel to conduct a cytological study and determine the oncological risk.

Methods of treatment

There are no drugs and methods that can completely eliminate HPV from the human body. The impacts are made only on the consequences of the virus. General antiviral therapy is carried out in cases of highly oncogenic types of viruses localized in the region of the anogenetic tract. Patients with previously diagnosed papillomas are advised to systematically examine and use barrier contraception in order not to infect a partner with the virus.

It is recommended to remove papillomas, as the virus in the epithelial cells causes them to multiply, new papillomas are formed or existing ones regenerate.

Depending on the location and symptoms of papillomas, they resort to the following methods of removal:

  1. Laser surgery: Papilloma is treated with a surgical laser beam. This method does not require hospitalization, and the damaged area heals fairly quickly. The laser is used on the face and visible parts of the body.
  2. Radiosurgery is contactless exposure to high-frequency radio waves, under the influence of which a neoplasm is eliminated. This method is recognized as effective, but expensive.
  3. Cryodestruction: freezing of a neoplasm with liquid nitrogen. Scars can remain at the site of exposure.
  4. Chemical destruction - cauterization with chemical acids. The procedure is quite sensitive and there is a high risk of touching adjacent tissues and getting a chemical burn.
  5. Surgical excision - rarely used, in case of suspicion of a malignant process.
  6. Folk remedies - moxibustion of outbreaks with folk remedies (garlic, celandine, lemon balm, cabbage leaf, castor oil and others)

Currently, vaccines have been developed to prevent highly oncogenic virus types (species 16 and 18), which are used in many countries.

For the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to have safe sexual intercourse, use personal hygiene items, strengthen the immune system and be regularly examined by an immunologist and gynecologist. If you find symptoms of HPV, it is recommended that you see a doctor immediately.